Bee There Again?

by | Jul 1, 2023 | Floral, Insects | 1 comment

Bee There - Haddonfield, New Jersey - July 1, 2008
Haddonfield, New Jersey - July 1, 2008
As most of you familiar with my work know, flowers are one of my favorite subjects. When you photograph as many flowers as I do, you always are looking for a different perspective to make the image unique. Although, I must say that flowers are like snowflakes, no two are identical, or so they say…So, adding another element, such as an insect, can add more “life” to the composition. It helps that I also like bugs as photo subjects. You have to get up close and personal with these guys to get the best shots. I have a special lens for the purpose, called a macro lens. I don’t always have it with me, or ready to go (switching lens can slow you down). I did not use my macro for this shot, so the final photo is cropped tightly (some call that cheating, but it gets the job done).I did a fair amount of work on this photograph, mostly saturation and color adjustments, not to mention my favorite ethereal glow effect. But overall, I am pleased with the results.

It’s interesting to me, that when I started MyDailyPhotograph, over five years ago, I didn’t want to ever send out the same image. I discovered later that this no repeats policy was my rule. It was limiting. Now, I select a picture like this, shot on the same date as today, and decide if I want to make it better, or just different. It gives me a whole new perspective to my work. I hope you enjoy seeing it.

Please let me know you thoughts by leaving your comments or questions here.

1 Comment

  1. Jim Aboulafia

    I’m enjoying the 4th of July weekend already, and I love this shot. So, what is “my favorite ethereal glow effect?”

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