Cat Bird at Winterthur

by | May 1, 2024 | Birds, Nature | 0 comments

Cat Bird at Winterthur - Wilmington, Delaware - May 1, 2011
Winterthur Estates - Wilmington, Delaware - May 1, 2011

On this date in 2011, since it was such a nice day, we took a drive to Delaware (about a half hour from Philadelphia). We decided to go to one of our favorite places there, The Winterthur Museum/Estates. Founded by Henry Francis du Pont, Winterthur (pronounced “winter-tour”) is the premier museum of American decorative arts, reflecting both early America and the du Pont family’s life there. Its 60-acre naturalistic garden is among the country’s best, and its research library serves scholars from around the world.I spotted this bird. I was going to ask all of you what kind of bird it was, but fortunately, there was a bird guide in the gift shop that I used to identify the critter.


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