Framing the Glowing Peak and a Hat Rescue

by | Mar 4, 2025 | Landscape, National Park, Nature, Utah Series | 0 comments

Framing the Glowing Peak

Zion National Park, Utah - March 4, 2009

I took this one thirteen years ago, today.Jeff rescues the hat in the Virgin River- Zion National Park, Utah Jeff to the Rescue (click to see larger)There a great story behind this photograph.My friend Jeff, who I was visiting in Utah, gave me a ball cap with his business name embroidered on it, Lewis & Lewis Artistic Endeavors. He is a great photographer, and his wife Patti is a fabulous muralist/artist. Jeff and I have been doing photography together since we were teenagers. We built our first darkroom together.

Anyway, we ventured to Zion National Park to shoot (only 15 miles from his home in Virgin, Utah). While shooting by the river, my hat blew off and was headed rapidly down the river. I thought it was lost for sure. It happened that Jeff was down stream and spotted my predicament. He proceeded to grab a stick and waded into the river to retrieve my hat, which a fortunately lodged again a rock. I quick took a shot of the rescue…

Here are two other photographs I took that day, including a black & white I really like.


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