Heart of a Rose

by | Mar 6, 2025 | Floral, Nature, Small World, Texture | 2 comments

Heart of a Rose

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - March 6, 2011
I took this close-up of a rose in a vase on our kitchen island. My wife was given roses at my friend Janice’s Birthday bash. As I passed by, I noticed the perfection of this particular bud. When I shoot closeups like this, I light them with off-camera flash. It freezes motion so I don’t need a tripod (they really slow me down). Also, I can control the direction of the light, as I did in this shot. The sharp, directional light really emphasises the texture.The year before, on this date, I sent out this photograph, Heart of Rinoculous.


  1. Janice Toser

    WOW! Awesome photo! Love it!

  2. David E. LeVine

    My friend Jim Aboulafia emailed:

    Wow…took my breath away!

    Thanks, Jim. I appreciate the feedback. I’m always concerned I show too many flowers, but everytime I get a new one like this, I’m inspired to pursue the subject further…

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