Moonrise at the Bay Shore Golf Course, Miami Beach, Florida - November 1983
(before south beach became “South Beach”In the aftermath of Hurricane Irene, my thoughts returned to my years living with hurricanes.I grew up in Miami/Miami Beach. I was born in California, but moved to the Beach when I was four. I left in 1972 to return to California. In 1983, i returned for a year to visit my family. It was a prolific year for my photography. Shooting film all year with a Speed Graphic 4×5 camera and my trusty Minolta SRT-101. This was one of the night time exposures I took with the Minolta.
Utterly beautiful. This has to be in your Top Ten. Sometimes the right photo can make your day, and this one did it for me.
You & I grew up around Miami Beach and pictures like this bring back such nostalgia. For me it was because I was probably out with you or Allan or somebody, running around where we shouldn’t be – especially at night – getting in trouble! My mom would drive around the neighborhood yelling for us to come home for dinner – that sort of thing. But the immages you’ve captured of South Beach always brings back memories. They’re just beautiful!