Moon Over Miami Beach

by | Nov 1, 2023 | Cityscape, Moon, Travel | 2 comments

Moon Over Miami Beach - South Beach, Miami, Florida 1983

Moonrise at the Bay Shore Golf Course, Miami Beach, Florida - November 1983
(before south beach became “South Beach”In the aftermath of Hurricane Irene, my thoughts returned to my years living with hurricanes.I grew up in Miami/Miami Beach. I was born in California, but moved to the Beach when I was four. I left in 1972 to return to California. In 1983, i returned for a year to visit my family. It was a prolific year for my photography. Shooting film all year with a Speed Graphic 4×5 camera and my trusty Minolta SRT-101. This was one of the night time exposures I took with the Minolta. 

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  1. Scott Graves

    Utterly beautiful. This has to be in your Top Ten. Sometimes the right photo can make your day, and this one did it for me.



  2. Jim Aboulafia

    You & I grew up around Miami Beach and pictures like this bring back such nostalgia. For me it was because I was probably out with you or Allan or somebody, running around where we shouldn’t be – especially at night – getting in trouble! My mom would drive around the neighborhood yelling for us to come home for dinner – that sort of thing. But the immages you’ve captured of South Beach always brings back memories. They’re just beautiful!

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